Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
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1 Saint Martha Catholic Church 9301 Biscayne Boulevard Web: (Entrance on NE 8th Avenue) Miami Shores, FL 33138 Phone: (305) 751-0005 Email: Fax: (305) 756-1161 1
2 REGISTRATION INSCRIPCIÓN New parishioners are invited Invitamos a los nuevos to register at the Parish Office . feligreses a inscribirse en la Oficina Parroquial. BAPTISMS BAUTIZOS MASS SCHEDULE Please call the Parish Office for Por favor llame a la Oficina Parro- baptism information. quial para información sobre HORARIO DE MISAS bautizos. Sunday | Domingo ADULT Saturday Vigil SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS Vigilia del Sábado Sign up for RCIA classes. Please PARA ADULTOS 5:00 p.m. in English visit our website and click the Sac- Inscríbase en nuestro programa 8:30 am and 10:30 am in English raments tab for more information. RICA. Por favor visite nuestro sitio 12:30 pm en Español web y haga clic en Sacramentos para más información. SICK AND Daily (in English) HOMEBOUND ENFERMOS Monday-Saturday 8:30 am If you are homebound, ill, Si está enfermo sin poder salir de recovering from surgery and casa, o recuperándose de una ciru- Holy Days | Días De Precepto would like Holy Communion gía, y desea la Santa Comunión, brought to you, please call llame a la 8:30 am and 11:45 am in English our Parish Office Oficina Parroquial 7:00 pm Bilingüe– Bilingual. Unless otherwise noted. WEDDINGS MATRIMONIOS We follow Archdiocesan Seguimos las reglas de la CONFESSIONS regulations; at least six months arquidiócesis; se necesitan seis me- CONFESIONES preparation time is required. ses de preparación antes de la bo- Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Please call the Parish Office. da. Por favor llame a la Oficina Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45 pm Parroquial. PARISH HALL RENTAL Pastor Please call office. Rev. Lazarus Govin, S.T.L. ALQUILER DEL SALÓN Llame a la Oficina Parroquial. Administrative Assistant PARISH OFFICE Oficina Parroquial Karla Pacheco Monday-1:00pm –3:00pm Lunes 1:00pm a 3:00pm Tuesday to Friday 9:00am -3:00pm Martes-Viernes: 9:00am-3:00pm 9221 Biscayne Blvd 9221 Biscayne Blvd Music Ministry Miami Shores FL 33138 Miami Shores FL 33138 Ministerio Musical (Entrance on NE 8th Ave) (Entrada en NE 8Ave) Rodrigo Villaseñor, Director Phone: (305) 751-0005 Tel: (305) 751-0005 Fax: (305) 754-6930 Fax: (305) 754-6930 Daphne Dominique, Cantor Welcome we are glad you are here! We would be delighted to count you among our own. Please come to the Parish Office for more details. ¡Bienvenido que bueno que estas aquí! Nos encantaría contarte entre los nuestros. Por favor visita la Oficina Parroquial para mas detalles. 2
3 Mass Inten ons Intenciones de las misas Saturday August 14th Vigil 5:00pm † Jean Simmons Sunday August 15th 8:30am † Sr. Yamile Saieh 10:30am Karen Brake (Health Int.) Your gift helps to fulfill the mission of reaching Miami Shores for Jesus Christ. In thanksgiving for God’s gift, please budget a generous weekly offering in proportion to your household 12:30pm † Mariana De Luca Vargas income. Su ofrenda nos ayuda a cumplir la misión de traer el mensaje Monday August 16th de Jesús a Miami Shores. En acción de gracias, incluya una ofrenda generosa en su presupuesto semanal de acuerdo a sus 8:30am † Apolonia Mir Tuesday August 17th Offerings / Ofrendas 8:30am † Apolonia Mir Sunday Wednes- day August 18th August 7th & August 8th, 2021 8:30am † Godfrey Ivan Mead 5:00 pm $ 536.00 8:30 am $ 788.00 Thursday August 19th 8:30am Mylene Reyes (Birthday Int.) 10:30 am $ 770.00 12:30 pm $ 708.00 Friday August 20th 8:30am Hannah Katherine Jones (Birthday Int.) Total $ 2,802.00 Saturday August 21st 8:30am † Sr. Yamile Saieh 3
4 Religious Education Educación Religiosa & y R.I.CA. R.C.I.A. 2021-2022 2021-2022 LA INSCRIPCION REGISTRATION ESTA IS ABIERTA OPEN Requirements at time of Registration: Requisitos al momento de inscrip- A copy of the Baptism Certificate and ción: Birth Certificate. Una copia del Certificado de Bautizo y el Certificado de Nacimiento. Registration fees: (non-refundable) Registration fee: Costo de la inscripción (no reembol- $150 per student per year and $50 per sable)- Costo: $150 por estudiante por sibling per year. año y $50 por hermano (a) por año. R.C.I.A. R.I.C.A. Registration fees: Costo de la inscripción (non-refundable) Registration fee: (no reembolsable)- Costo : $120 por $120 per student per year. estudiante por año. Please Call Por favor llame a Danilo Resinos Danilo Resinos For more information Para mas información Phone: 305-878-0348 Teléfono: 305-878-0348 4
5 The Destiny of All Mortal Flesh El Destino de Toda Carne Mortal The celebration of today’s feast on a Sunday is unusual on La celebración de la fiesta de hoy en domingo es inusual en our Roman Catholic calendar. Our observance of the Lord’s nuestro calendario católico. Nuestra observancia del Día del Day is held in such high esteem that few other feasts replace Señor es de tan alta estima que pocas otras fiestas la it. Occasionally there is a feast—usually of one of the reemplazan. Ocasionalmente hay una fiesta –usualmente de saints—in which the saving power of God in Christ is so uno de los santos– en que el poder salvador de Dios en Cris- uniquely focused that the Roman rite deems it worthy of to está tan singularmente manifiesto que el rito romano la celebration on the Lord’s Day. Today is such a feast. Yet considera digna de celebrarse en el Día del Señor. Hoy es some are surprised at the brevity of the dogma in its entire- tal fiesta. Sin embargo, algunos se sorprenden por la breve- ty: “We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely dad del dogma en su totalidad: Pronunciamos, declaramos y revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the definimos ser dogma de revelación divina que la inmacula- ever Virgin Mary having completed the course of her earth- da madre de Dios, siempre Virgen María, cumplido el curso ly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” The de su vida fue asunta en cuerpo y alma a la gloria celeste”. Roman Catholic Church never defined any specifics or par- La Iglesia Católica nunca definió nada específico ni los par- ticulars about the event itself. It is not in the scriptures. ticulares sobre el hecho. No existen relatos verificables de There are no verifiable eyewitness accounts. At its core, the testigos. En su esencia, el dogma revela en María el destino dogma reveals in Mary the destiny of all mortal flesh, and de toda carne mortal, y refuerza nuestro credo y fe en la reinforces our creedal belief in resurrection of the body. resurrección del cuerpo. Esta fiesta fortalece nuestra fe, This feast strengthens our faith, defined last week in He- definida la semana pasada en la carta a los hebreos como la brews as the realization of things hoped for. We find, in realización de aquello que esperamos. Encontramos en Ma- Mary, that realization of what we all hope for, what Paul ría la realización de lo que todos esperamos, y que Pablo today affirms: “In Christ shall all be brought to life” (1 Co- afirma hoy: “en Cristo todos volverán a la vida” (1 Corinti- rinthians 15:22). os 15:22). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Planned Giving & Stewardship Donaciones Planeadas y Mayordomía Never think of your contribution as small. Nunca piense en su contribución como pe- A small donation can make a huge differ- queña. Una pequeña donación puede marcar una ence. Make your donation to the ABCD to- gran diferencia. Haga su donación al ABCD hoy day by visiting mismo visitando Al dejar un legado, hay muchas opciones a When leaving a legacy, there are many considerar. Dejar una donación a largo plazo pa- options to consider. Leaving a long-term gift ra su iglesia, los seminaristas, los sacerdotes ju- to your church, seminarians, retired priest’s, bilados o las escuelas católicas son solo algunos or catholic schools are just a few on a long de los que pueden beneficiarse de su donación. list of those who can benefit from your gift. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de donacio- Contact the Office of Planned Giving today nes planificadas hoy mismo para determinar qué to determine which legacy options can most opciones heredadas pueden cumplir con sus ob- effectively meet your goals. (305) 762-1112. jetivos de manera más eficaz. (305) 762-1112. “My soul proclaims the greatness of the "Mi alma glorifica al Señor, y mi espíri- Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for tu se llena de júbilo en Dios, mi salvador, por- he has looked with favor on his lowly servant que puso sus ojos en la humildad de su esclava. Desde ahora me llamarán dichosa todas las gene- from this day all generations will call me raciones, porque ha hecho en mí grandes cosas el blessed:” -Luke 1:46-49 que todo lo puede. Santo es su nombre-Lucas 1:46-49 Mary’s canticle is a beautiful expression of her humbleness and praise to God in call- El cántico de María es una hermosa expre- ing her to be the mother of Jesus. As Chris- sión de su humildad y alabanza a Dios al llamar- tian stewards, do we follow her example of la a ser la Madre de Jesús. Como mayordomos trusting God completely and always? cristianos, ¿seguimos su ejemplo de confiar en Dios completa y siempre? 5
6 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Lunes: Jue 2:11-19; Sal 106 (105):34-37, 39-40,43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Martes: Jgs 6:11-24a; Sal 85 (84):9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Miércoles: Jgs 9:6-15; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Jueves: Jgs 11:29-39a; Sal 40 (39):5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Viernes: Rut 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Sal 146 (145):5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Mt 22:34-40 Sábado: Rut 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Sal 128 (127):1b-5; Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Mt 23:1-12 Domingo: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Sal 34 (33):2-3, Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21; 16-21;Ef 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 NEXT WEEK’S READINGS LECTURAS DE LA PROXIMA SEMANA First Reading — Joshua challenges the Israelites to Primera lectura — Josué urge a los israelitas a que sir- serve either the Lord or other gods. They choose the Lord van a Dios o a los otros dioses (Josué 24:1-2a, 15-17, (Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b). 18b). Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor (Psalm 34). (Salmo 34 [33]). Second Reading — Paul reflects on how husbands and Segunda lectura — Pablo reflexiona cómo los esposos y wives should reverence and love each other esposas deberán darse amor y reverencia mutua (Ephesians 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]). (Efesios 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]). Gospel — Master, to whom shall we go? You have the Evangelio — Después de hablar de dar su carne a comer, words of eternal life (John 6:60-69). muchos de los discípulos de Jesús se alejaron. (Juan 6:60- The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Cor- 69).Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, poration. All rights reserved. Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reser- vados. FEAST OF FAITH The Shape of the Eucharistic Prayer Our Eucharistic Prayers originated in the traditional Jew- ish meal prayers known as berakah, which were prayers of thanksgiving used at meals. Over the centuries, the Christian thanksgiving, or Eucharist, gradually took The St Martha church bulletin is provided by the shape. While in the East the Eucharistic Prayers (called J.S.Paluch Company to us at no cost. The bulletin is anaphora) took many forms, in the Roman Church there solely funded by the support of the local business was for many centuries just one Eucharistic Prayer, called the Roman Canon (now known as Eucharistic Prayer I). community through business sponsorships. In order Almost all Eucharistic Prayers include the same basic ele- to continue to receive this, and many of the other ments. They begin with thanksgiving and acclamation. benefits J.S.Paluch provides our church, we are Then there is an epiclesis, as the priest calls down the Ho- looking for additional sponsorships to fill up the ly Spirit upon the gifts. Then follows the institution narra- open space on our two sponsorship pages. tive and consecration, as the words that Jesus spoke at the If you own a business, know of someone who does, Last Supper are repeated. After the consecration, we re- or just want to celebrate an anniversary, birthday or member in an explicit way all that Christ has done for special occasion, please consider promoting the us—this is the anamnesis, or remembering. The prayer business or event in our church bulletin. For more concludes with the offering, the intercessions—prayers information on the sponsorship program, please con- for the Church, our leaders, ourselves—and a final doxol- tact our J.S.Paluch representative Patrick Falco di- ogy of praise. The reforms of the Second Vatican Council enriched our rectly. He can be reached by email at fal- liturgy with additional Eucharistic Prayers, including both, or directly by phone at 910-200- ancient texts (Eucharistic Prayer II is based on the most 8383. Also, if you have any experience in sales and ancient of all existing Eucharistic Prayers) and new com- would like to help the church fill the sponsorship positions. page, please contact Mr. Falco as well. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The church thanks you for your consideration and support. 6
7 ALL MINISTRIES WILL NOT MEET UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. MINISTRIES TODOS LOS MINISTERIOS NO SE REUNIRAN HASTA PROXIMO AVISO Women’s Emmaus Knights of Columbus Thursdays - Parish Hall Meets on Second Thursday 7:30pm - 8:30pm Men’s Emmaus Men’s Club Thursdays - Parish Hall Meets Monthly on Thursdays Grupo de Oración Carismá co Jueves 7:30-9:30pm Outreach Ministry Important Notice Our Parish Outreach Ministry The Food Distribution will be is in existence due to the CLOSED ongoing Generosity of our after June 17th, 2021 benefactors, parishioners, and dedicated vol- unteers over the years. and will resume on We provide food and assistance for Thursday, August 19th, 2021 the poor, sick and needy who seek help in difficult times. During this time of the pandemic, we have continued to provide meals and Aviso Importante take care of the special needs of the sick, the infirm, and the challenged. La Distribución de alimentos Therefore, we give many thanks for the out- estará cerrado después pouring of love and support of those who del jueves, 17 de junio de 2021 make this ministry possible. y For more Information please call the reabrirá el jueves, 19 de Agosto Parish Office at 305-751-0005 de 2021 7
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