Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School January 24, 2021 - Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela 24 de enero, del 2021
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Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela January 24, 2021 24 de enero, del 2021
Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ January 24, 2020 A Parish staffed by Salvatorians since our foundation in 1925 . 6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414- 442-7600 Website: ~ School FAX 442-0644 Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM, Misa 12PM~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday & Sat. 8:15 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Spanish Individual Reconciliation by appointment only. Please contact Fr. Reed. Our Parish Mission Statement “Mother of Good Counsel is a Catholic Readings for the week of community committed to the teachings of Jesus January 24, 2021 Christ through Worship, Ministry, Stewardship, and Outreach.” Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Calendar for the week of January 24 Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 Sunday, January 24~ [Mk 16:15]/Mk 16:15-18 10:00am Mass ~ Church Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7- 11:00am Catechism Classes for K5 8a, 10 [3]/Mk 3:31-35 to pre-confirmation Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia 4:1-20 5:30pm Confirmation Class Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 6]/ Monday, January 25~ Mk 4:21-25 6:30pm Addiction Prayer Group Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40 7:00pm AA/Al-Anon Meeting [39a]/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 Tuesday, January 26~ [cf. 68]/Mk 4:35-41 8:15am Mass ~ Church Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 [8]/1 Wednesday, January 27~ Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-2 7:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia 7:30pm AA Meeting ~ Paulik Hall Thursday, January 28~ 8:15am Mass ~ Church Friday, January 29~ Sunday, January 24 10:00AM † Lou Betzwieser 7:00pm Boy Scouts ~ Zoom Meeting Domingo, 24 de enero 12:00PM † Juan Cruz Saturday, January 30~ 8:15am Mass ~ Church Tuesday, January 26 8:15AM † Patrick Doyle 5:00pm Mass of Anticipation ~ Church Miércoles, 27 de enero 7:00PM For MGC Parish Sunday, January 31~ 10:00am Mass ~ Church Thursday, January 28 8:15AM Arleen Houssaye 11:00am Catechism Classes for K5 Saturday, January 30 8:15AM Mary Guokas to pre-confirmation Irene, George F., Irius 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia Saturday, January 30 5:00PM & Roger Francois 5:30pm Confirmation Class Sunday, January 31 10:00AM † Kathy Grothe Domingo, 31 de enero 12:00PM For MGC Parish Lector Schedule January 30 : Beth Ahne January 31: Cornelius Amuhngwa & Kathy Denk
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela ~ 24 de enero 6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Numero de teléfono: 414- 442-7600 Pagina de web: ~ Escuela FAX 442-0644 Misa de fin de semana: sábado 5:00 pm, domingo 10:00 am, domingo a las 12:00pm en español Misas durante la semana: martes, jueves y sábado a las 8:15 AM en ingles y Miércoles a las 7:00 pm en español Confesión individual por cita únicamente, favor de comunicarse con el Padre Reed. Actualmente todas las misas están siendo transmitidas por Facebook Live bajo el nombre Mother of Good Counsel Parish. La Oficina está abierta Domingo, 24 DE ENERO, 2021 12:00PM Lunes a Jueves de 8:00am-3:00pm Viernes 8:00-12:00 pm Por el eterno descanzo de Equipo Pastoral: Número de Juan Cruz y pronta teléfono: resignacion para su 414-442-7600 familia Pastor: Padre Reed Mungovan, SDS 414 331 9687 celular o extensión 125 para mensajes únicamente Las lecturas de la semana del Director de Formación: 24 de enero, 2021 Mariza y Robert……………..414-899-1811 Domingo: Jon 3, 1-5. 10/Sal 24, 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 [4]/1 Cor Personal docente de la Escuela 7, 29-31/Mc 1, 14-20 Directora: Rachel Johnston……..ext.119 Lunes: Hch 22, 3-16 o Hch 9, 1-22/Sal 116, 1. 2 [Mc 16, 15]/Mc 16, 15-18 Martes: 2 Tm 1, 1-8 o Tit 1, 1-5/Sal 95, 1-2. 2-3. 7-8. 10 [3]/Mc 3, 31-35 Miércoles: Heb 10, 11-18/Sal 109, 1. 2. 3. 4 [4]/Mc 4, 1- Nuestra Misión como Parroquia 20 Madre del Buen Consejo es una comunidad Jueves: Heb 10, 19-25/Sal 23, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [cfr. 6]/Mc católica comprometida a las enseñanzas de 4, 21-25 Cristo Jesús a través de los ministerios de Viernes: Heb 10, 32-39/Sal 36, 3-4. 5-6. 23-24. 39-40 eucaristía, oración, apoyo económico y [39]/Mc 4, 26-34 ayuda social. Sábado: Heb 11, 1-2. 8-19/Lc 1, 69-70. 71-72. 73-75 [cfr. 68]/Mc 4, 35-41 Domingo siguiente: Dt 18, 15-20/Sal 94, 1-2. 6-7. 7-9 [8]/1 Cor 7, 32-35/Mc 1, 21-28 Requisitos para la misa y fiesta de quinceañera: La quinceañera y su familia necesitan ser miembros de nuestra Iglesia por lo menos un Estamos orgullosos y agradecidos con los Soldados y año. Veteranos de nuestra parroquia. Especialmente con estos dos valientes, Junior León (Marine) hijo de La quinceañera necesita estar Laura Rodríguez, y Nelson Xavier Nuñez (National involucrada en un ministerio en la misa por lo menos medio Guard) hijo de Maria González Nuñez (Conchita). año y pertenecer a nuestro Tengamos a estos jóvenes y sus familias en programa de educación nuestras oraciones. ¡ Que Dios los bendiga! religiosa.
From the Desk of Father Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S. Dear Friends in Christ, This weekend we celebrate the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. Father John Bartunek, L.C., in his book The Better Part, writes about our Gospel, “ ‘The Kingdom of God is close at hand,’ Jesus proclaims, and then He adds, ‘repent and believe in the Good News.’ The ‘Kingdom of God’ merely refers to wherever things are done God’s way, wherever His will and His heart infuse life into the souls of men and women. To repent means to turn away from doing things our own, selfish way (which is the way we tend to do things ever since Adam and Eve set the unfortunate precedent). To believe in the Good News means to trust that God’s way, God’s will, is the best choice. … If we want to enter the Kingdom and share in its unequaled vitality and meaning, we simply need to trust in God more than ourselves – over and over again.” Today O, God, help me to find at least one concrete way that I may turn to You and one specific way that I am turning away from selfishness. We continue to live-stream all our masses on They are then placed on our website: by Ms. Schwartz. We have raised about $163,000 for our Keep it Cool Campaign. Please help us to find a way to raise $12,000 more. I appreciate you very much, Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us. LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Some type of honest and sincere repentance is necessary for any type of authentic growth and maturity. We have to come to the realization, unless we are happy wallowing in immaturity and superficiality, that the way we have been doing things is not the best or the healthiest. There isn’t a human being alive who hasn’t acted foolishly or erratically at the cost of almost losing a treasured relationship. “Why did I act that way?” is a question we often ponder after some reflection and enlightenment. Faith works the same way. Stumbling through life and bumping up against meaninglessness, a person can begin to see that something significant is missing. They see that there is merit to a relationship with God and an embrace of faith. Before these can take root, sincere sorrow for past wrong doing, missed opportunities, errors in judgment, and short sightedness is necessary. Repentance is necessary. Then having realized that we were walking in darkness, we can rejoice that by God’s grace we now see the light. ©LPi
Desde el escritorio del Padre Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S. Queridos Amigos en Cristo, Hoy celebramos el Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. El Padre Francisco Fernández escribe en su libro Hablar con Dios sobre la Buena Nueva, “Para seguir a Cristo es necesario tener el alma libre de todo apegamiento: del amor a sí mismo en primer lugar, de la excesiva preocupación por la salud, del futuro..., de las riquezas y bienes materiales. Porque cuando el corazón se llena de los bienes de la tierra, ya no queda lugar para Dios. A unos les pedirá el Señor la renuncia absoluta para disponer de ellos con más plenitud, como hizo con los Apóstoles, con el joven rico, con tantos, a lo largo de los siglos, que han encontrado en Él su tesoro y su riqueza. Y a todo el que pretenda seguirle, le exige Cristo un desprendimiento efectivo de sí mismo y de lo que tiene y usa. Si este desasimiento es real, se manifestará en muchos hechos de la vida ordinaria, pues siendo bueno el mundo creado, el corazón tiende a apegarse desordenadamente a las criaturas y a las cosas. Por eso necesita el cristiano una vigilancia continua y un examen frecuente, para que los bienes creados no impidan la unión con Dios, sino que sean un medio para amarle y servirle. ‘Vigilen, pues, todos para ordenar rectamente sus afectos -advierte el Concilio Vaticano II-, no sea que, en el uso de las cosas de este mundo y en el apego a las riquezas, encuentren un obstáculo que les aparte, contra el espíritu de pobreza evangélica, de la búsqueda de la perfecta caridad, según el aviso del Apóstol: Los que usan de este mundo, no se detengan en eso, porque los atractivos de este mundo pasan (Cfr. 1 Cor 7, 31)’. Estas palabras de San Pablo a los cristianos de Corinto, que recoge la Segunda lectura de la Misa, son una invitación a poner nuestro corazón en lo eterno, en Dios.” O Dios, ayúdanos a confiar más y más en Ti. Estamos transmitiendo las Misas por y están en nuestra pagina del web: Tenemos $163.000 para nuestro sistema de aire-acondicionado. Por favor, ayúdanos a cumplir nuestra meta, necesitamos $12.000 más. Les aprecio mucho, Padre Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS Santa María, Madre del Buen Consejo, ruega por nosotros. VIVIR LA LITURGIA - INSPIRACIÓN DE LA SEMANA (Live the Liturgy) "Arrepiéntanse y crean en el evangelio". Algún tipo de arrepentimiento honesto y sincero es necesario para cualquier tipo de crecimiento y madurez auténticos. Tenemos que llegar a la realización, a menos que seamos felices revolcándonos en la inmadurez y la superficialidad, que la forma en que hemos estado haciendo las cosas no es la mejor ni la más saludable. No hay un ser humano vivo que no haya actuado de manera tonta o errática a costa de casi perder una relación preciada. "¿Por qué actué de esa manera?" es una pregunta que solemos meditar después de un poco de reflexión e iluminación. La fe funciona de la misma manera. Tropezando por la vida y chocando con la falta de sentido, una persona puede comenzar a ver que falta algo significativo. Ven que hay mérito en una relación con Dios y un abrazo de fe. Antes de que estos puedan echar raíces, es necesario un dolor sincero por las malas acciones del pasado, las oportunidades perdidas, los errores de juicio y la miopía. El arrepentimiento es necesario. Luego, al darnos cuenta de que estábamos caminando en tinieblas, podemos regocijarnos de que por la gracia de Dios ahora vemos la luz. ©LPi
SENIOR MINISTRY We conclude Robert Best’s reflection on resolutions as we move into 2021 with his blog: Time for Change! He offers us a word of hope while we are looking forward to a better year than 2020. There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind . –C.S.Lewis New Year’s resolutions give us some control over what lies ahead. This year, take control. Create the life that will meet your needs and desires for today and for the future. Committing to your desired outcome will give you a feeling of control over the uncertain days to come. Don’t be afraid to make the move. 24th—31st Jordan Bennet Martin Sandoval Madison Roberson Phyllis Baade Cordae Crockett Steven Henner Jerry Dompke Rosa Salcedo Razia Haynes Kathryn Swanda Dane Koth Mark Nadolski Zyaire Rickett-Jefferson Armando Ramirez Patricia San Fillippo Calyana Spears Christopher Bucek Chiara Campbell Mary Hawes Olks Mary O’Toole Ann Lappen Caroline Wirth Brian McCulloch Kathleen Henley Oshanly Mendez Dario Banuelos Medina Daniel Schlumpf Charles Berard Jacklyn Turner Amy Dwyer Ann Doland Evan LaHaye Beth Heffeman Richard Mason John Meulendyke Alysa Nauertz-Schalk Karen Ninnemann Allison Ortiz Martinez Mary Reiter Ziare Terry Andrew Zimmer Edilberto Espinoza Ana Maria Sanchez God has called to Himself the following Parishioner: Juan Cruz The Crib Club Baby Shower continues until Feb. Let us pray as a community of faith that he may experience the joy and peace 2nd. of eternal life. Thank you to all who have contributed so far! Sarah Camp- bell, our representative from Women's Care Center who addressed our parish last weekend, was very Sacristy Linens complimentary of MGC. She stated, "I always feel so welcome here!" January 31: Mary Moritz This week we have much to do! The National Prayer Vigil for Life is on Jan. 28-29th. It can be viewed via EWTN as February 14: Linda Maigatter there cannot be an in-person vigil due to COVID. Thank you for supporting the Gospel of Life through your works, words and prayers!
100% Catholic, 100% Boys, 100% Contribution Letters for Boarding: St. Lawrence Seminary the 2020 tax year will High School is an all-boys, Catholic be mailed out the last boarding high school focused on week of January. college prep and spiritual depth. Located in Mt Calvary, WI since 1860, SLS students live, learn, work and pray together. Come explore this vibrant high school experience where students from around the globe prepare for life after high school! Individualized and safe options are available for families to visit. Call (920) 753-7570 or visit started! Report on the Fall Fundraisers A huge thank you to all of you who so generously donated your time, talents, bakery and baskets to the 2020 fall fundraisers sponsored by the Parish Life Committee. We are happy to report that a combined $5,740.00 was raised for the Keep It Cool campaign by your efforts in the Basket Auction, The MGC Mask, Greeting card and Coffee Sale and the Holiday Bake Sale!!! Thank you again for your generosity and parish spirit!! If It Works – Do It Again! Buoyed by the great success of the Holiday Bake Sale (We raised over $550 the weekend before Christmas!), the Parish Life Committee will be sponsoring another bake sale on Valentines Weekend, February 13-14. What goes better with the sweet aspect of Valentines Day than baked goods? So, get out those heart shaped cookie cutters and other sweet recipes and plan on donating bakery to help this sale do even better than the December sale! The details of donating will be included in next week’s bulletin. If you have any questions or suggestions, please call Kathy Denk at 262-227-1597. 4 Stages of Marriage – The 4 stages of marriage are: (1) Romance, (2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first 3 Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th Stage of Awakening. Don’t give up without learning about the 4th Stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or Misery, please contact Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-VI with a long I). For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend March 12-14, 2021 in Racine, please call (414) 502-7685 or email: or visit the website at
Human Concerns Committee Comité de Preocupaciones Humanas The Human Concerns Committee at MGC, in the spirit El Comité de Preocupaciones Humanas de MGC, en of the Gospel, extends our hands to those in need. el espíritu del Evangelio, extiende su mano a los Catholic social teaching calls us to work for peace and necesitados. La doctrina social católica nos llama a justice in respect for life in all its forms. Our calli is to trabajar por la paz y la justicia en el respeto por la vida discern the workings of the Holy Spirit. en todas sus formas. Nuestro llamado es discernir las obras del Espíritu Santo. We would like to extend an invitation to you to consider joining our Human Concerns Committee. If you are Nos gustaría invitarlos para que consideren unirse a interested, please contact Richard Mason at nuestro Comité de Preocupaciones Humanas. Si está or interesado, favor de comunicarse con Richard Mason 262-910-1293. Thank you. al correo electrónico o al 262-910-1293. Gracias. “In the past funds were collected to defer the cost of a meal provided by MGC for the El Baby Shower del Crib Club continúa hasta el 2 de St Vincent de Paul South Side febrero. Meal Program. At this time, the ¡Gracias a todos los que han contribuido hasta ahora! parish is not preparing and serving Sarah Campbell, nuestra representante del Women's Care a meal. Funds collected will be Center quien estuvo en nuestra parroquia el fin de semana used to stock the shelves of our SVDP food pasado, esta muy agradecida con MGC. Ella dijo: "Siempre me siento tan ¡Bienvenido!" pantry until we resume participation in the South Side Meal Program. Thank you in advance for your ¡Esta semana tenemos mucho que hacer! La Vigilia generosity!” Nacional de Oración por la Vida es del 28 al 29 de enero. Se puede ver a través de EWTN, ya que no puede haber una vigilia en persona debido a COVID. ¡Gracias por apoyar el Evangelio de la vida a través de sus obras, palabras y oraciones
PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600 Pastor: Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS Please remember in your prayers: Donna Baughn, Anne 414-331-9687 cell or ext. 125 for messages only Bauer, Valerie Bradford, Richard Bowd, Laura Brzakala, Emily Collins, Harold Dallapiazza, Quirt Dallapiazza, Ron Deacon Andy Meuler................................................x104 DeHarde, Arlyne Fleissner, Ellen Fredricks, Scott Fredricks, Maria Godinez, Ginny Hack, Barbara Kass, Deacon Dean Collins................................. 262-782-0535 Beth Klamerus Newton, Ed Kovochich, Art Kreitzer, Mark Nadolski, Jose Navarro Jr, Lucy Navarro, Kris Nehrbass, Jack O’Dell, Elaine Reidy, Joel Rivera, Gaby Directors of Faith Formation: Mariza Cruz Konzal Rodriguez, Jose Sanchez, Annette Swanson,, Mary & Robert Konzal…….……….…ext. 107 or 414-899-1811 Uhlenkamp, Paul Willmering, Jeffrey Yockey, Barbara Zukowski, Director of Music: Linda July……….........................x103 If you know of someone who needs or would appreciate a visit from Fr. Reed please call: 414-442-7600 ext. 125. Director of Business Office : Sandy De La Garza…............................................... x105 Finance Assistant: Kathy Mymudes………………...x105 Military Prayer list Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168 National Guard; Nelson Xavier Nunez, son of Maria Gonzalez Nunez (Conchita) Administrative Assistant: Marine Luis Ornelas, son of Rosa Laura Reynoso Gaby Rodriguez………………………………….........x102 Ramirez Navy Petty Officer Kyle Walcheske, nephew of SCHOOL STAFF Cathy Walcheske Principal: Rachel Johnston ……............................. x119 Air Force; Louis Cruz, nephew of Robert & Mariza School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118 Konzal Senior Chief Petty Officer U.S. Coast Guard Director of ECP: Mindy Kwiatkowski…………..….. x123 Kenneth Seefeld, grandson of Elaine Seefeld Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122 Army Ranger Captain Christopher Wiesneski, an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MGC Graduate & son of Paul and Judy Wiesneski Trustees Marine Sergeant Dwain J. Burke, nephew of Karen Murphy & Dan Scholz Brenda & Bob Beaumier Pastoral Council Chairperson: Phil Koth..414-350-3745 Army Sergeant Major James Cook, son of Mary & Michael Cook St. Vincent DePaul: ……………….….414-442-7600 x155 Air Force Sergeant Kurt Buckawiecki, grandson- Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound in-law of Arthur Kreitzer Mary Betzwieser………….…………….……414-313-0012 Special Forces Army Sergeant Joshua Kohut, an Other Ministries: MGC Graduate & son of Kathy Kohut Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the Army Warrant Officer Bradley Dompke, Godson School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our of Tony and Gail Dompke ministries check our website at Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant David John Winter, son of Joan M. Winter and John F. Winter We are streaming masses live on (at Mother of Good PFC Marine Stephen Thelaner, grandson of Dan & Judith Scholz Counsel Parish) or on our parish and school website Please keep them and all people affected by war in your Prayers and thoughts! Contact us in the Parish Office if you have any family members or friends who are currently serving and we will add their
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