"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

“Why are you terrified?
Do you not yet have faith?”
Mark 4:40
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
PAGE 3               JUNE 20, 2021  12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

   En una carta a los católicos de Los Ángeles, el Arzobispo José H. Gómez anunció que levantaría la
   dispensacion para asistir a la misa dominical y a los días santos de obligación el 19 de junio de 2021. La
   dispensación todavía se concederá a aquellos que están enfermos o tienen problemas de salud

   "Continuamos haciendo un progreso significativo en nuestra lucha contra la pandemia en los tres
   condados de la Arquidiócesis", escribió el arzobispo. "Podemos esperar días mejores en los que podamos
   vivir activamente nuestra fe como el Cuerpo de Cristo en nuestras comunidades parroquiales".

   Las iglesias en los condados de Los Ángeles, Santa Bárbara y Ventura habían estado cerradas al culto en
   persona desde marzo de 2020, cuando comenzaron las restricciones de COVID-19 en todo el país. En
   diciembre de 2020, los funcionarios del condado de Los Ángeles levantaron su prohibición de los ser-
   vicios religiosos en interiores después de una serie de casos judiciales que argumentaron que las restric-
   ciones de la pandemia violaban las libertades religiosas.

   La Arquidiócesis también anunció nuevas directrices litúrgicas, a partir del 15 de junio, que reemplazan
   las restricciones anteriores relacionadas con la pandemia.

   Cabe destacar que las celebraciones litúrgicas, incluyendo misa, primeras comuniones, confirmaciones,
   bodas, bautizos, funerales y quinceañeras,ahora se pueden llevar a cabo en interiores, sin limitaciones de
   capacidad, requisitos de distanciamiento social o reservas. A las parroquias también se les permite
   reanudar las reuniones de grupos de oración y otras reuniones sociales.

   Siguiendo las pautas flexibilizadas de los CDC sobre el uso de máscaras, las personas completamente
   vacunadas ya no estarán obligadas a usar máscaras para la Misa y otras celebraciones litúrgicas. Las
   mascarillas son obligatorias para los fieles no vacunados al aire libre cuando el distanciamiento social no
   es posible, y en todo momento en interiores. Las parroquias no deben verificar quién está y quién no está

   Las directrices también permiten la reanudación del canto litúrgico, pero continúan restringiendo la dis-
   tribución de la comunión solo al pan.

   "La pandemia del coronavirus ha afectado a nuestro mundo... de maneras que nunca podríamos haber
   imaginado", escribió el arzobispo Gómez en su carta. "Sin embargo... nos acercó como una familia que
   busca el bien y el bienestar de la otra.

   "Seguimos siendo fuertes en nuestra fe sabiendo que Dios siempre estará a nuestro lado".

   Para obtener una lista completa de las pautas y más información, visite lacatholics.com/emergency.
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
PAGE 4              JUNE 20, 2021  12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

                                      Upcoming Events
The Together in Mission 2021 “Forward
with Faith” Annual Appeal launch is now.
Please make a special effort to a end
mass, virtually or in‐person, so we can pray
and reflect on how we can con nue to help
our struggling parishes and schools in the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles. One in EVERY
5 parishes needs financial assistance and 1
in every 4 Catholic schools needs cri cal
funds to keep their doors open. This year’s
cumula ve Together in Mission goal is
$15.35M throughout all five regions.

Together, let’s make a difference for those
in need especially a er this most
challenging year.”

                                               "The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is here
                                               to help brings God's love to the Poor.
                                               Thanks to dona ons from parishioners like
                                               yourself and some private grants we have
                                               funds to help those in our community. We
                                               ask you to have ears to hear the cries of the
                                               poor. Eyes to seek and find the forgo en,
                                               the suffering, and the deprived. And hearts to pray for the poor,
                                               our Vincen an volunteers, and our donors. If you or someone
                                               you know is in financial need please call our SVdP hotline at
                                               818‐345‐4563 and a volunteer will try to assist you."

                                               La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl está aquí para ayudar a
                                               llevar el amor de Dios a los pobres. Gracias a las donaciones de
                                               feligreses como usted y algunas subvenciones privadas, tene‐
                                               mos fondos para ayudar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad.
                                               Les pedimos que tengan oídos para escuchar los gritos de los
                                               pobres. Ojos para buscar y encontrar a los olvidados, los que
                                               sufren y los desfavorecidos. Y corazones para orar por los
                                               pobres, nuestros voluntarios Vicen nos y nuestros donantes. Si
                                               usted o alguien que conoce ene necesidades económica, llame
                                               a nuestra línea directa de SVdP al 818‐345‐4563 y un voluntario
                                               le tratara de ayudara
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
PAGE 5                      JUNE 20, 2021  12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME
                                            Learn Natural Family Planning
Discover a safe, healthy and effective way to plan your family. Encouraged by the Church, Natural Family
Planning is based on modern scientific research and can help married couples to avoid, postpone or achieve
pregnancy. It can be used by all women throughout their fertile years, regardless of cycle regularity. Among
couples who use NFP, many find that it brings a new dimension to their relationship, making an already good
marriage even better. A course will be offered at Our Lady of Grace starting July 10, 2021. For more infor-
mation call (818) 994-2110 or to register for a class go to www.ccli.org. Special note: Classes may be free
through December 2023 if you meet the requirements. To obtain more information regarding an Archdioce-
san grant that will cover the cost of the class, please call the number above.

                                                Produce Something
                                                 Beautiful for God
                                       “Whatever you do unto the least of these, you
                                                      do unto me.”

St. Therese was called “The Li le Flower” & has le us “The Li le Way”. The idea is to do at least ONE simple li le thing each
day for God. But how? Mother Teresa stated her love for Jesus transformed her way of looking at the world and thinking about
each human being she came across.
Did you know she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1979?
‘The hallmark of her work has been respect for the individual and the individual’s worth and dignity, based on this reverence
for Christ in Man.’ [Statement by Nobel Prize Commi ee].
The Norwegian Nobel Commi ee quoted Fridtjof Nansen: “Love of one’s neighbor is realis c policy.”
In her words:
“Whoever the poorest of the poor are, they are Christ for us ‐‐‐ Christ under the guise of human suffering. If they have a prob‐
lem, it is not lack of money, but the fact that their right to be treated humanly and with tenderness is not recognized. Jesus
comes to meet us. To welcome him, let us go to meet him."

 What can you do ‐ a simple, rou ne, daily ac on to show your love for the person next to you (at home, or at work?)
 How can we respect the dignity of ALL humans remembering that He made EVERY LIFE in His image?
This a tude adjustment is what God would love to see as a demonstrated example of LOVE & FELLOWSHIP.
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
PAGE 6                           JUNE 20, 2021  12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

                                  PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK
 If you know someone who is homebound or sick please call the parish office to arrange for one of our ministers to come out to them for Holy Communion

Veronica Pomposa                  Susan Morales                           Michael Peer                          Jose Reyes Jr.                        Tim Grimm
Pablo Godinez                     Paula Aguilar                           Grace Cihanowiz                       Anne Nicholson                        Hermina Ulloa
Claire Mansour                    Ed Ricard                               Renee Harbour                         Chrystal Pritchard                    Sylvia Williams
Mercedes Echegoyen                Gary Thomas                             Ma. Josefa Lopez                      Raymond Fabre                         Fr. Jarlath Cunnane
Jeff Kinzli                        Patricia Branagan                       Angela Rostani                        Brianna Mantallana                    James Pryer
Aidan Bradley                     Phyllis Richardson                      Stephanie Rivas                       Jolli Sisante                         Sylvia Williams
Dawn Hopkins                      Harolyn Ma soff                          Angela Berry                          Liz Knight
Imelda Clark                      Pat Borland                             Debbie Lane                           Karlo Cuesta
Phillip Ribas                     Rita Gen le                             Tony Mammo                            Samantha Ramirez
Dolores Casper                    Julie Sianzon                           Tonya Fuentes                         Corzo Family
Jose & Helen (YB)                 Yolanda Aburto                          Fuentes Family                        Stephen B. Salagubang
Allison Arahkn                    Nelson Aburto                           Mejia Family                          Rubén Salagubang
Franklin Moya                     Karo Dylanian                           Fr. Tom Feltz                         Jeannie Arigei
Mariano Velazquez                 Shereen Peer                            Jasmin Reyes                          William Hardy

                                       THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
                                                PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN

 U.S. Navy                        U.S. Air Force                          Christopher Castillo                 Brian Pomerantz                       U.S. Coast Guard
 Andres L. Aguilera               Fernando Aguilera                       Andrew Barragan                      Corey Raby                            David Scates
 Jamila Habibullah                Marco Flores                            Monica Pagan                         Vincent Sanwo                         (LAFD) Brian Page
 Jake Schneider                   Jorje Godina                            Isaac Pezqueda                       Ron Clemente
 Emily Pomposo                    Steve Hyath                             George Moreno Jr.                    Anthony Villwock
 Jordan Arteaga                   U.S. Marine Corps                       U.S. Army                            George Moreno
 Jeffrey Quintero                  Manuel Arteaga                          Nicholas Lombard                     Phillip Ribas
                                  David Arnold                            Heather Pomerantz                    Marc A. Monreal

                                         Mass Intentions for this week
 Sat, 6/19 @ 4pm                Sunday, 6/20            Monday 6/21             Tue. 6/22       Wed, 6/23             Thurs, 6/24             Fri. 6/25           Sat. 6/26

                   8am    Carlos Romeo Mejia (D) /   Lucian Ernest (D);        Cruz family   In honor of St. John   Mendez family (L);   Melissa Mogueis (L) Anisha Virgen (L)
Misa                      Lucien Ernest (D) /                                                Paul‐II                William Hardy (L)
                                                     Nell & John Wooden (D)
Pro‐Populo                Mary Anne Calda (L)                                                Ruel A. Saguin (D) )

                   9:30   Esperanza Cardenas (D)

                   11am Luis Adrian Mendoza (D)


       Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino                                                           Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576
       Instagram @olgencino                                                                     Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino
For Faith Direct dona ons please go to h ps://membership.faithdirect.net/CA771 or text an
                            amount to the number listed below.
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
PAGE 7                          JUNE 20, 2021  12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME
    12th Week in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Jb 38:1, 8‐11
Responsorial Psalm: 107:23‐24, 25‐26, 28‐29, 30‐31
Second Reading: 2 Cor 5:14‐17
Gospel: Mk 4:35‐41
                                                                     Mass Schedule /
            Daily Mass Readings
                                                                     Horario de Misas
  Monday, June 21, 2021
                                                                    Sunday / Domingo:
  First: Gn 12:1‐9                                           8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00 am (Spanish)
  Psalm: 33:12‐13, 18‐19, 20 and 22                                Saturday / Sabado:
  Gospel: Mt 7:1‐5
                                                               8:00 am and 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass)
  Tuesday, June 22, 2021:
  First: Gn 13:2, 5‐18                                           Weekdays: / Misa Matutina:
  Psalm: 15:2‐3a, 3bc‐4ab, 5                                               8:00 am
  Gospel: Mt 7:6, 12‐14
                                                                 Eucharistic Adoration /
  Wednesday, June 23, 2021:
  First: Gn 15:1‐12, 17‐18                                        Adoracion Eucaristica
  Psalm: 105:1‐2, 3‐4, 6‐7, 8‐9
  Gospel: Mt 7:15‐20
                                                                      Everyday 8:30am—6pm
  Thursday, June 24, 2021                                       Parish Center Prayer Chapel
  First: Is 49:1‐6 / Second: Acts 13:22‐26
                                                            Sacrament of Penance / Confesiones
  Psalm: 139:1b‐3, 13‐14ab, 14c‐15
                                                            at the Parish Center / Centro Parroquial
  Gospel: Lk 1:57‐66, 80
  Friday, June 25, 2021                                                (Christmas & Lent times may change)

  First: Gn 17:1, 9‐10, 15‐22                                        Friday:      5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
  Psalm: 128:1‐2, 3, 4‐5
                                                                 Saturday: 9:00 am to 10:00 am
  Gospel: Mt 8:1‐4
  Saturday, June 26, 2021                                   Contact the Parish Center to arrange for:
  First: Gn 18:1‐15                                         Baptism  Marriages  Visits to the Sick 
  Psalm: Luke 1:46‐47, 48‐49, 50 and 53, 54‐55                        Religious Education
  Gospel: Mt 8:5‐17                                                New Parishioner Registrations
                                                                         Parish Office Hours /
  Please make note that all our indoor Masses will be
   subject to space capacity. For those that choose to                    Horario de Oficina
  watch us online for Sunday Mass, please tune to our
                                                               Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Facebook page or YouTube @OurLadyofGraceEncino at
                    9:30am (Sunday)                          (Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
     Or you may also tune in from your car to 88.7FM            Saturdays & Sundays: Closed
                       parish radio.
                                                                  Sabado y Domingo: Cerrado
    Tenga en cuenta que todas nuestras misas estarán
   sujetas a la capacidad de espacio. Para aquellos que                   IMPORTANT NOTICE
eligen vernos via digital los domingos, sintonice nuestra
              página de Facebook o Youtube                   Beginning Sunday, June 20th all masses will be indoors.
         @OurLadyofGraceEncino a las 9:00 am.                 This includes our 9:30am Sunday Mass and we will be
                                                                       adding a new 12:30pm English Mass.
"Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" Mark 4:40 - JUNE 20, 2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
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