MARCH 28, 2021 PALM SUNDAY - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
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PAGE 2 MARCH 28, 2021 ♦ PALM SUNDAY The Drama of the Passion of the Lord Richard A. Horsey, in his book, Jesus and the Powers: Conflict, Covenant and the Hope of the Poor, says that the Gospel stories are full of conflict, mostly between Jesus and the high priestly caste and the Roman rulers, represented by the Herodians. This conflict is not just religious but also poli cal. And it comes to a head when Jesus marches into Jerusalem with a crowd following him, acclaim- ing him a liberator and “then carries out a forcible protest demonstra on in the temple.” This is Passion Sunday. But the Gospel stories also portray Jesus as carrying out a renewal of Israel, Horsley says. Jesus carries out ac ons of deliverance of the people that recalls Israel’s crossing of the sea and the feeding of the thousands in the wilderness. On the Transfigura on, he ap- pears with Moses and Elijah on a mountain and “appoints twelve figures—representa ves of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Horsley con nues: “like the prophets of old, Jesus pronounces God’s condemna on of the rulers for having exploited the people.” This re- newal of Israel, ini ated by Jesus, is opposed to and by the rulers, both the Roman overlords and the high priests in the Temple. The Roman conquerors that occupied Israel want no opposi on to Cesar. Crucifixion is one of the best and most cruel methods to ensure utmost control. Public hanging on a cross shows to the Jews their “prophets” are nothing but troublemakers. And Jesus was simply seen as one of those many self-styled leaders who needs to be done away with. His trial and death clears away another dis- turbing revolu onary. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is presented as marching into Jerusalem many mes for confronta on with the high priestly rulers of Judea. The Cleansing of the Temple is one of those. He comes to challenge their wisdom, calling them hypocrites—white sepulchers on the outside and ro en cadavers in the inside—and accusing them as blind fools. Jesus makes them appear like clowns dancing in their elaborate external regalia. His words are rousing the people against their leadership. He must be stopped and done away with. And Mark’s Gospel narrates that “the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to arrest him by treachery and put him to death.” But Jesus in the Passion narra ve is seen to be in total control. He tells his disciples what to do. They are to go into the city, get a donkey, and prepare for the Passover meal. They follow his instruc ons. It is not, rather, the Roman civil authori es who are in con- trol. Nor were the Jewish religious leaders who are framing his des ny. Rather, it is Jesus who is fully aware that he comes from the Father, does His will and will go back to Him who sent him, mission accomplished. Jesus fully understands that the Father has placed all things in his hands as he enters into the events of his last days. Jesus finally enters the City of Jerusalem, the poli cal and religious center of Israel, not with regal authority and power. He rides on the back of a lowly donkey while royal officials enter the city on gilded chariots powered by Arabian horses. Jesus is a humble leader who comes to serve his disciples by washing their feet. He wears no robes of the high priesthood in Jerusalem, those whom Jesus mocks as hypocrites and clowns, engrossed and self-absorbed with the high drama of external appearances. He wears a simple robe woven by a woman of humble means. His kingdom, his priesthood, his way of living can overwhelm us, not with a show of power, and mesmerizing pomp and circumstance but with the embrace of a en ve love. This is how the Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion can be Fr. Sam Cuarto
PAGE 3 MARCH 28, 2021 ♦ PALM SUNDAY El drama de la pasión del Señor Richard A. Horsey, en su libro, Jesús y los Poderes: Conflicto, Pacto y la Esperanza de los Pobres, dice que las historias evangélicas están llenas de conflicto, principalmente entre Jesús y la casta sacerdotal y los gobernantes romanos, represen- tados por los herodianos. Este conflicto no es sólo religioso, sino también polí co. Y se ponen en una cabeza cuando Jesús marcha hacia Jerusalén con una mul tud siguiéndolo, aclamando a un libertador y "luego lleva a cabo una manifestación de protesta forzada en el templo". Este es el Domingo de Pasión. Pero las historias evangélicas también retratan a Jesús como una renovación de Israel, dice Horsley. Jesús lleva a cabo acciones de liberación del pueblo en los recuerdos del cruce del mar de Israel y la alimentación de los miles en el desierto. En la Transfiguración, aparece con Moisés y Elías en una montaña y "nombra doce figuras-representantes de las doce cos llas de Israel. Horsle y con núa: "Al igual que los profetas de antaño, Jesús pronuncia la condena de Dios a los gobernantes por haber explotado al pueblo". La renovación de Israel, iniciada por Jesús, se opone a y por los gobernantes, tanto los señores romanos como los sumos sacerdotes del Templo. Los conquistadores romanos que ocuparon Israel no quieren oposición a Cesar. Crucifixión es uno de los mejores y más crueles métodos para garan zar el máximo control. Público colgado en un espectáculo de la cruz a los judíos sus "profetas" une nada más que alborotadores. Y Jesús fue simplemente visto como uno de los muchos líderes autodeno- minados con los que hay que acabar. Su juicio y muerte despejan a otro revolucionario perturbador. En el Evangelio de Juan, Jesús se presenta como marchando a Jerusalén muchas veces para la confrontación con los altos gobernantes sacerdotales de Judea. La limpieza del Templo es una de esas. Viene a desafiar su sabiduría, llamarlos hipócritas —sepulcros blancos en el exterior y cadáveres podridos por dentro—y a acusarlos de tontos ciegos. Jesús hacen aparecen como payasos bailando en su elaborada regalía externa. Sus palabras están despertando al pueblo contra su liderazgo. Debe ser detenido y acabado con él. Y el Evangelio de Marcos narra que "los principales sacerdotes y los escribas buscaban la manera de arrestarlo por traición y ponerlo a muerte. " Pero Jesús en la narra va de pasión se ve que está en control total. He le dice a sus discípulos qué hacer. Deben ir a la ciudad, conseguir un burro y prepararse para la comida de Pascua. Siga sus instrucciones. No son, más bien, las autoridades civiles romanas las que enen el control. Tampoco los líderes religiosos judíos que están enmarcando su des no. Más bien, es Jesús quien es plenamente consciente de que viene del Padre, hace Su voluntad y regresará a Aquel que lo envió, misión cumplida. Jesús en ende plenamente que el Padre ha puesto todas las cosas en sus manos al entrar en los acontecimientos de sus úl mos días. Jesús finalmente entra en la Ciudad de Jerusalén, el centro polí co y religioso de Israel, no con autoridad y poder reales. Monta en la parte trasera de un humilde burro mientras los oficiales reales entran en la ciudad en carros dorados impulsados por caballos árabes. Jesús es un humilde líder que viene a servir a sus discípulos lavándose los pies. No lleva túnicas del sumo sacerdocio en Jerusalén, aquellos a quienes Jesús se burla como hipócritas y payasos, absortos y ensimismados por el alto drama de las apariencias externas. Lleva una túnica simple con horno por una mujer de medios humildes. Su reino, su sacerdocio, su forma de vivir pueden abrumarnos, no con una demostración de poder, y una pompa y circunstancia hipno zantes, sino con el abrazo del amor atento. Así es como se puede entender el Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor, desde la perspec va de Jesús. Padre Samuel Cuarto
PAGE 5 MARCH 28, 2021 ♦ PALM SUNDAY Please make note that our indoor Masses during Holy Week will be subject to space capacity. For those parishion- ers that choose to watch us online, please tune to our Facebook page or Youtube Make a donation in memory of a loved one @OurLadyofGraceEncino. online via Faith Direct or drop off in Mail Box outside of the parish center office. Or you may also tune in from your car to the 88.7FM parish radio. ♦ FOR UPDATES ON OUR PARISH EVENTS PLEASE FOLLOW ANY OF THESE LINKS LISTED BELOW: ♦ PARA INFORMACIÓN DE LOS EVENTOS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA SÍGANOS EN CUALQUIERA DE ESTOS ENLACES A CONTINUACIÓN: Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576 Instagram @olgencino Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino For Faith Direct dona ons please go to hƩps:// or text an amount to the number listed below.
PAGE 6 MARCH 28, 2021 ♦ PALM SUNDAY PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK Veronica Pomposa Susan Morales Grace Cihanowiz Anne Nicholson Pablo Godinez Paula Aguilar Renee Harbour Chrystal Pritchard Claire Mansour Ed Ricard Ma. Josefa Lopez Raymond Fabre Mercedes Echegoyen Gary Thomas Angela Rostani Brianna Mantallana Jeff Kinzli Patricia Branagan Stephanie Rivas Jolli Sisante Aidan Bradley Phyllis Richardson Angela Berry Liz Knight Dawn Hopkins Harolyn Ma soff Ruth Sorney Lidia Jimenez Imelda Clark Pat Borland Debbie Lane Samantha Ramirez Phillip Ribas Rita Gen le Tony Mammo Corzo Family Maria Robles Julie Sianzon Tonya Fuentes Bobby S llman Dolores Casper Yolanda Aburto Fuentes Family Rubén Salagubang Jose & Helen (YB) Nelson Aburto Mejia Family Allison Arahkn Karo Dylanian Fr. Tom Feltz Franklin Moya Shereen Peer Jasmin Reyes Mariano Velazquez Michael Peer Jose Reyes Jr. PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN THANK YOU FOR YOUR U.S. Navy U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Army Helen Ballestas SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Andres L. Aguilera Manuel Arteaga Nicholas Lombard U.S. Coast Guard David Scates Jamila Habibullah David Arnold Heather Scheibe Pomer- antz (LAFD) Brian Page Jake Schneider Christopher Castillo Emily Pomposo Brian Pomerantz Andrew Barragan Jordan Arteaga Monica Pagan Corey Raby Jeffrey Quintero Isaac Pezqueda Vincent Sanwo U.S. Air Force Ron Clemente George Moreno Jr. Fernando Aguilera Joshua Walton Anthony Villwock Marco Flores George Moreno Jorje Godina Steve Hyath Phillip Ribas Marc A. Monreal Daily Mass Readings For Holy Week Lecturas de la Semana Santa Monday, March 29, 2021 First: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 First: Is 42:1-7 Psalm: 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18 Psalm: 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 Second: 1 Cor 11:23-26 Gospel: Jn 12:1-11 Gospel: Jn 13:1-15 Tuesday, March 30, 2021: Friday, April 2, 2021 First: Is 49:1-6 First: Is 52:13—53:12 Psalm: 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15 and 17 Psalm: 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25 Gospel: Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Second Reading: Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Gospel: Jn 18:1—19:42 Wednesday, March 31, 2021: First: Is 50:4-9a Saturday, April 3, 2021 Psalm: 69:8-10, 21-22, 31 and 33-34 First: Gn 1:1—2:2 Gospel: Mt 26:14-25 Psalm: Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35 Gospel: Mark 16:1-7 Thursday, April 1, 2021
PAGE 7 MARCH 28, 2021 ♦ PALM SUNDAY Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion First Reading: Mk 11:1-10 Responsorial Psalm: 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Second Reading: Phil 2:6-11 Gospel: Mk 14:1—15:47 Mass Schedule / Mass Intentions for this week Horario de Misas Sunday / Domingo: Monday: Consuelo Lacebal (L) 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00 am (Spanish) Tuesday: Josephine & Thomas Papich (D) Saturday / Sabado: Wednesday: Windsor Mogueis (L) / Sheila Salagubang (L) 8:00 am and 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Thursday: NO MASS INTENTIONS Weekdays: / Misa Matutina: Friday: NO MASS INTENTIONS 8:00 am (Parish Center) Saturday: NO MASS INTENTIONS Eucharistic Adoration / Adoracion Eucaristica Every Friday: Schedule Updates Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 8:00 am Mass ♦ Weekday Masses (Mon—Sat) at 8am are (Parish Center Courtyard) inside the church. Adoration continues Sacrament of Penance / at the parish center Chapel immediately Confesiones after Mass Mon-Fri all day until 6pm. (Christmas & Lent times may change) Friday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ♦ In observance of the easter holiday our Saturday: 9:00 am to 10:00 am parish office will be closed on Monday, April 5th 2021. Contact the Parish Center to arrange for: Baptism ♦ Marriages ♦ Visits to the Sick ♦ ♦ Parish Office remains closed to the Religious Education public but is taking phone calls and ♦ New Parishioner Registrations emails during regular business hours. Parish Office Hours / ♦ Should you need to drop off any Horario de Oficina envelopes or mail for the parish staff Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm please feel free to drop it off at the (Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm) gray mail box located in the lawn area Saturdays & Sundays: Closed Sabado y Domingo: Cerrado
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