Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022

Página creada Vicente Pablo
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
          MAY 8th, 2022
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Easter
                                                                First Reading — The Jews angrily reject Paul and Barna-
                                                                bas’ preaching. They then turn their energies to the Gentiles
SUNDAY, May 8.
                                                                (Acts 13:14, 43-52).
 7:45 am - For the People of the Parish
                                                                Psalm — We are his people, the sheep of his flock
 9:00 am - Margaret Ore ┼
                                                                (Psalm 100).
10:30 am - Dorothy Suecoff ┼
                                                                Second Reading — John envisions a great white-robed
12:00 pm - Maria Carmen Vasques ┼
                                                                multitude standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
 5:30 pm - Thingue Family (Give Thanks to the Lord)
                                                                (Revelation 7:9, 14b-17).
MONDAY, May 9.
                                                                Gospel — My sheep hear my voice; they follow me. I give
  7:00 am - Rev. Gustavo Orozco Montes ┼
                                                                them eternal life (John 10:27-30).
  8:30 am - Francisco Verber ┼
TUESDAY, May 10.
  7:00 am - Concepcio “Chiquin” de Cardenas ┼
  8:30 am - Michelle Manniello ┼
 7:00 am - Rev. Gustavo Orozco Montes ┼
 8:30 am - Carmelo Prestano ┼
 7:00 am - Peter McShane ┼
  8:30 am - Marco Antonio Lazo Bustamante ┼                     LECTURAS DE HOY
  7:00 pm - Misa Comunitaria                                    Primera Lectura — Los judíos rechazaron airados la
FRIDAY, May 13.                                                 predicación de Pablo y de Bernabé. Luego concentraron sus
 7:00 am - Mr. and Mrs. OrestePierre-Lovis                      energías en los gentiles (Hch 13:14, 43-52).
             Giving thanks to Our Lady of Fatima                Salmo — Nosotros somos su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño
  8:30 am - Maria and Benedicto Escobedo ┼                      (Salmo 100 [99]).
 SATURDAY, May 14.                                              Segunda lectura — Juan tiene la visión de una multitud en
  8:30 pm - Luis Vargas and Family                              vestiduras blancas ante el trono y ante el Cordero
 5:00 pm - Joseph ad Rose Avitabile ┼                           (Apocalipsis 7:9, 14b-17).
  7:00 pm - Victor Manuel Cristancho ┼                          Evangelio — Mis ovejas conocen mi voz; ellas me siguen.
                                                                Yo les doy vida eterna (Juan 10:27-30).
    Pray For the Sick of Our Parish Family
    Oremos por los Enfermos de Nuestra
              Familia parroquial                                READINGS FOR THE WEEK
Pete Bickmore, Frank Cotroneo, Richard Valente,                 Monday:    Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10
                                                                Tuesday:   Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
Mercedes Latorre, Cathy McHale, Erenia Casiano,                 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
Mary Dobra, Joseph and Harriet Iele, Stepanie Curran,                      Jn 12:44-50
Ramon Cancio and Max Belk.                                      Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
                                                                           Jn 13:16-20
                                                                Friday:    Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
Pray For the Deceased of Our Parish Family                      Saturday: Acts 1:15-17; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
   Oraremos por los fallecidos de Nuestra                       Sunday:    Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a;
               Familia Parroquial                                          Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
Barbara Ptak, Michael Hopkins, Eileen Dimalante,
Carmelo Prestano, Josefina Cortes, Leonel Ching,                                  MOTHER LOVE
Frances Rosado, Josephine Morrialle, Manuel Linares,               There is only one pretty child in the world, and every
                                                                   mother has it.                        —Chinese proverb
And Teodoro Sanches.                                                              AMOR DE MADRE
                                                                   Hay una sola criatura hermosa en el mundo, y es la de
     PLEASE BE ATTENTIVE TO THE                                     cada madre.                       —Proverbio chino
Turn OFF your cell phone while inside the church. It’s a
sign of respect and love to God. Besides it would disturb
your Neighbor and our praying community.

POR FAVOR apague su celular adentro de la Iglesia. Es
muestra de respeto y amor a Dios. Además, va a perturbar a su
vecino y al resto de nuestra comunidad.
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
Join us as we celebrate the 105th Feast Day of our Patroness Our Lady of Fatima
                                  Friday, May 13th, 2022
                                   Mass at 7:00PM with
                                Bishop Robert Brennan
                            NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA
          Tuesday-10th - Emaus Group
Thursday 5th - The Charismatic Group   6:30PM                           Men and Women       6:15PM
Friday-6th - First Friday Adorers      6:30PM         Wed. - 11th - Knights of Columbus     7:00PM
Saturday-7th - Guadalupe Group         6:15PM         Thursday - 12th - Divino Niño Group   6:30PM
Sunday-8th -Virgen de la Nube          6:30PM         Friday - 13th - Children of Fatima    6:00PM
Monday-9th - OLF Monday Night Novena   7:30PM                  (RCIA) and Academy
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
Dear Parishioners,
      A blessed Good Shepherd Sunday and Happy Mothers’ Day to everyone. Let us remember and give thanks for the
blessing of having Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leading and guiding us in life. Second, let us give thanks for all our Moth-
ers who follow the Good Shepherd by nurturing and supporting the life that God gives to us.
The fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday. This title is given to this Sunday because on this Sunday
we proclaim the Gospel of John Chapter 10 at Mass in which Jesus reflects about himself as the Good Shepherd. The
Good Shepherd guides and looks after his flock. The Good Shepherd leads the sheep to where they are safe and to
where they need to go. Jesus is our Good Shepherd and it is important that we keep our minds and hearts on Jesus and
follow his call. This Sunday is also the 59th “World Day of Prayer for Vocations” which Pope Paul VI instituted in
1964 during the Council of Vatican II. We are reminded to pray for all those who are called by Jesus to enter into or-
dained and consecrated life in the church. We pray for and encourage the clergy and religious who serve by dedicating
their lives to working in the Church as part of the clerical order and in religious congregations.
God calls all his people to follow him in various ways. Today, in our country, we remember all mothers. It is Mothers’
Day! Happy Mothers’ Day! Thank you to all our mothers! Motherhood is such an important part of our lives in the
church, our society and in all of creation. Our mothers give birth to us. It was our mothers who gave birth to us so we
could enter into relationships in this world and continue to develop and grow as part of the human family as well as with
grace to be part of God’s family.
This week we celebrate Mary, the model of all mothers. We celebrate the feast day of our parish, the Memorial of Our
Lady of Fatima this Friday, May 13h. We will welcome Bishop Robert Brennan, the Bishop of our Diocese, as he pre-
sides over the Mass at 7pm. The Blessed Mother followed her vocation to be the Mother and first disciple of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Mary continues to point us to her Son, Jesus, so that we may follow him who is our Shepherd. As Mary
stood before Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, she called them to join her in following Jesus by praying for peace, conver-
sion to God, and sacrificing for others. Our Lady of Fatima asked that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart.
Just last March, Pope Francis consecrated Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Feast of the
Annunciation. The message of Our Lady of Fatima applies to us today. We need to pray for the conversion of sinners
and the end of Russia’s war in the Ukraine and all wars. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.           Rev. Darrell Da Costa

Queridos Feligreses,
     Un bendito Domingo del Buen Pastor y feliz Día de las Madres para todos. Recordemos y demos gracias por la ben-
dición de tener a Jesús, el Buen Pastor, guiándonos y guiándonos en la vida. Segundo, demos gracias por todas nuestras
Madres que siguen al Buen Pastor nutriendo y apoyando la vida que Dios nos da.
El cuarto domingo de Pascua se llama Domingo del Buen Pastor. Este título se le da a este domingo porque en este do-
mingo proclamamos el Evangelio de Juan capítulo 10 en la Misa en la que Jesús reflexiona sobre sí mismo como el
Buen Pastor. El Buen Pastor guía y cuida de su rebaño. El Buen Pastor lleva a las ovejas a donde están a salvo y a donde
necesitan ir. Jesús es nuestro Buen Pastor y es importante que mantengamos nuestras mentes y corazones en Jesús y sig-
amos su llamado. Este domingo es también la 59ª "Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones" que el Papa Pablo
VI instituyó en 1964 durante el Concilio vaticano II. Se nos recuerda que oremos por todos aquellos que son llamados
por Jesús a entrar en la vida ordenada y consagrada en la iglesia. Oramos y alentamos al clero y a los religiosos que
sirven dedicando sus vidas a trabajar en la Iglesia como parte de la orden clerical y en congregaciones religiosas.
Dios llama a todo su pueblo a seguirlo de varias maneras. Hoy, en nuestro país, recordamos a todas las madres. ¡Es el
Día de las Madres! ¡Feliz Día de la Madres! ¡Gracias a todas nuestras madres! La motherhood es una parte tan im-
portante de nuestras vidas en la iglesia, nuestra sociedad y en toda la creación. Nuestras madres nos dan a luz. Fueron
nuestras madres las que nos dieron a luz para que pudiéramos entablar relaciones en este mundo y continuar desarrol-
lándonos y creciendo como parte de la familia humana, así como con gracia para ser parte de la familia de Dios.
Esta semana celebramos a María, el modelo de todas las madres. Celebramos la fiesta de nuestra parroquia, el Memorial
de Nuestra Lady de Fátima este viernes 13 de mayo. Daremos la bienvenida al Obispo Robert Brennan, el Obispo de
nuestra Diócesis, mientras preside la Misa a las 7pm. La Santísima Madre siguió su vocación de ser la Madre y primera
discípula de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. María continúa señalándonos a su Hijo, Jesús, para que podamos seguir a Aquel
que es nuestro Pastor. Mientras María estaba de pie ante Lucía, Francisco y Jacinta, los llamó a unirse a ella en la locura
de Jesús al buscar peace, convertirse a Dios y sacrificarse por los demás.
Nuestra Señora de Fátima pidió que Rusia fuera consagrada a su Inmaculado Corazón. Apenas en marzo pasado, el Papa
Francisco consagró Rusia y Ucrania al Inmaculado Corazón de María en la Fiesta de la Anunciación. El mensaje de
Nuestra Señora de Fátima se aplica a nosotros hoy. Necesitamos orar por la conversión de los pecadores y el fin de la
guerra de Rusia en Ucrania y todas las guerras.
Celebremos entonces nuestra fiesta patronal esta semana el 13 de mayo pidiendo la intercesión de Nuestra Señora en
nuestro tiempo para la conversión de los pecadores, la paz en el mundo y para que todas las almas sean conducidas al
cielo. Nuestra Señora de Fátima ruega por nosotros                                              Rev. Darrell Da Costa
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Easter - May 8, 2022
                                  .                     “I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be
                                                        an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.”
                                                                                              — Acts 13:47b
                                                               “Yo te he puesto como luz de los paganos,
                                                        para que lleves la salvación hasta los últimos rincones
                                                                                         de la tierra”.
              SPECIAL MEMORIALS                                    INTENCIONES ESPECIALES
           FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 8th                            PARA LA SEMANA DEL 8 DE MAYO
                 The Bread and Wine                      El Pan y el Vino seran ofrecidos en la dulce memoria de
          are offered in the loving memory of                              Filomena Moroco
                    Filomena Moroco                              Las Velas en el Altar seran ofrecidas en la
The Altar Candles are offered in the loving memory of                       dulce memoria de
                     Margarita Ore                                            Margarita Ore
  Sanctuary Lamp is offered in the loving memory of       La Lampara del Santurio sera ofrecida en la dulce
                      Carlos Valverde                                         memoria de
           Requested by Valverde-Ore Family                              Carlos Valverde
                                                               Solicitado por la Familia Valverde-Ore

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
WE ARE THE CHURCH, TOGETHER in Brooklyn and Queens
 Please join us to respond as the Church of Christ together in Brooklyn and Queens through a pledge to the
Annual Catholic Appeal today at AnnualCatholicAppeal.org or text ACA to 917-336-1255.
 Please consider a gift today. Thank you and God bless you.!
 As of April 27, 2022 Parish Goal: $64,581.00.
 Number of Pledges 51- Amount Pledged: $20,700.00
 Amount Received: $13,071.00

SOMOS LA IGLESIA, JUNTOS en Brooklyn y Queens
Por favor únanse a nosotros para responder juntos como la Iglesia de Cristo en Brooklyn y Queens a través       de una
 promesa a la Campaña Católica Anual en AnnualCatholicAppeal.org o envíe un mensaje de texto
con ACA al 917-336-1255.
Por favor considere un regalo hoy. ¡Muchas Gracias y que Dios los bendiga!
De Abril 27, 2022, Meta Parroquial: $64,581
Numero de Promesas 51- Promesas $20,700.00
Cantidad Recibida: $13,071.00

  May 01, 2022 - $4,927.00                                                    May 02, 2021 $5,395.00
  2nd Collection: $2,017.00                                                   2nd Collection $2.056.00

If you are unable to come to church or if you know of someone who is unable to come but would like to re-
ceive Holy Communion, please call the rectory at 718-899-2801. Please leave your name and telephone num-
ber and indicate that you would like to set up a time for a Eucharistic Minister to visit and bring you Holy
Communion. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Please consider registering your child in the Faith Formation Program (718-457-3457).
Contact: Ms. Josephine Herman religiouseducationolf@gmail.com

If you wish to register as a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima please stop by the rectory office
during office hours. There you can fill out a registration form. It only takes 2 minutes. Your tem-
porary envelopes will be given to you immediately while the printed version will come in the mail

Si desea inscribirse como feligrés de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, por favor puede pasar
a la oficina de la rectoría durante horas de oficina donde puede llenar el formulario de registro.
Solo les tomará 2 minutos. Los sobres temporarios se los darán de inmediato mientras que la
versión impresa vendrá por correo.

       Religious Articles Store                                                 Tienda de Articulos Religi osos
         Hours Open                                                                  Horas de Apertura
   Saturdays 5:00pm to 8:30pm                                                  Sabados 5:00pm hasta las 8:30pm
   Sunday 9:am to 1:30pm                                                       Domingos 9:am hast la 1:30pm
   Thursday 6:30pm to 9:30pm                                                   Jueves 6:30pm hasta las 9:30pm
                      Located on the left side of the entrance of Our Lady Of Fatima Church
             Situado en el lado izquierdo de la entrada de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima

For each car, truck, or van running or not. The Associated Vincentian Charities will give back to your parish $75/200
           per vehicle. If you, a family member, or friend have an old or neglected vehicle that is no being used.
                                                 Please call (718) 491-2525.
                                 IRS TAX DEDUCTION - FREE TOWING ANY CONDITION
                                           Thank you for your participation!
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church MAY 8th, 2022
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