Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School

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Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
            October 10, 2021
         10 de soctubre, del 2021
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ October 10, 2021
                                    A Parish staffed by Salvatorians since our foundation in 1925 .
                                  6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414- 442-7600
                                               Website: ~ School FAX 442-0644
           Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM, Misa 12 PM~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday & Sat. 8:15 AM
                                         and Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Spanish
                        Individual Reconciliation by appointment only. Please contact Fr. Reed.

      Our Parish Mission Statement                                      Readings for the week of
“Mother of Good Counsel is a Catholic                                      October 10, 2021
community committed to the teachings of
Jesus Christ through Worship, Ministry,               Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Ps 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 [14]/Heb 4:12-
Stewardship, and Outreach.”
                                                              13/ Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27
      Calendar for the week of October 10             Monday: Rom 1:1-7/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [2a]/Lk 11:29-32
 Sunday, October 10                                   Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [2a]/Lk 11:37-41
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                                Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11/Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9 [13]/Lk 11:42-46
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia                    Thursday: Rom 3:21-30/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [7]/Lk 11:47-54
 Monday, October 11                                   Friday: Rom 4:1-8/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 [cf. 7]/Lk 12:1-7
 6:30pm    Addiction Prayer Group                     Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18/Ps 105:6-7, 8-9, 42-43 [8]/Lk 12:8-
 7:00pm    AA/Al-Anon Meeting                                 12
 Tuesday, October 12                                  Next Sunday: Is 53:10-11/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [22]/Heb
 8:15am    Mass ~ Church                                      4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45
 6:00pm    Pastoral Council
 7:30pm    AA Meeting ~ Paulik Hall
 Wednesday, October 13
 9:00am    Adoration Chapel ~by appointment
 6:00pm    Adoration followed by Idividual
           Reconciliation/ Confesiones
 7:00pm    Misa en español ~ Iglesia
 Thursday, October 14
 8:15am    Mass ~ Church
 4:30pm    Bell Choir Practice
 6:30pm    Jubilate Choir Practice
 Friday, October 15
 7:00pm    Boy Scouts ~Scout’s House                                          Sacristy Linens
 Saturday, October 16
           Catholic School Walk                                               October 24: Linda Maigatter
 8:15am    Mass followed by Individual
 5:00pm    Mass of Anticipation ~ Church
 Sunday, October 17
                                                    Sunday, October 10           10:00AM              For MGC Parish
 10:00am Mass ~ Church
 11:00am K5 to Pre-Confirmation Faith               Domingo, 10 de octubre 12:00PM                    For MGC Parish
           Formation Class
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia                  Tuesday, October 12          8:15AM               For MGC Parish
                                                    Miércoles, 13 de oct.        7:00PM         †     Tomas Rodriguez

                                                    Thursday, October 14         8:15AM               For MGC Parish
             Lector Schedule
                                                    Saturday, October 16         8:15AM               For MGC Parish
October 16:
      Patty Nowak                                   Saturday, October 16         5:00PM                Stoner Family
October 17:
                                                    Sunday, October 17           10:00AM              For MGC Parish
      Jim & Elisabeth Gordon
                                                    Domingo, 17 de octubre 12:00PM              †       Malyse Cruz
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela ~ 10 de octubre, 2021
                                     6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Numero de teléfono: 414- 442-7600
                                                 Pagina de web: ~ Escuela FAX 442-0644
                            Misa de fin de semana: sábado 5:00 pm, domingo 10:00 am, domingo a las 12:00 pm en español
       Misas durante la semana: martes, jueves y sábado a las 8:15 AM en ingles y Miércoles a las 7:00 pm en español
 Confesión individual por cita únicamente, favor de comunicarse con el Padre Reed. Actualmente todas las misas están siendo
                        transmitidas por Facebook Live bajo el nombre Mother of Good Counsel Parish.
                                                                          Domingo, 10 de octubre, 2021
             Horario de la oficina

     Lunes a Jueves de 8:00am-2:30pm
         Viernes 8:00am-12:00pm

            Equipo Pastoral: Número de
            teléfono: 414-442-7600

Pastor: Padre Reed Mungovan, SDS
414 331 9687 celular o extensión 125
para mensajes únicamente

Director de Formación:
Mariza y Robert……………..414-899-1811

Personal docente de la Escuela                                    Las lecturas de la semana del
                                                                       10 de octubre, 2021
Directora: Rachel Johnston……..ext.119
                                                        Domingo: Sab 7, 7-11/Sal 89, 12-13. 14-15. 16-17 [14]/
                                                               Heb 4, 12-13/ Mc 10, 17-30 o 10, 17-27
                                                        Lunes: Rom 1, 1-7/Sal 97, 1. 2-3. 3-4 [2]/Lc 11, 29-32
                                                        Martes: Rom 1, 16-25/Sal 18, 2-3. 4-5 [2]/Lc 11, 37-41
   Nuestra Misión como Parroquia                        Miércoles: Rom 2, 1-11/Sal 61, 2-3. 6-7. 9 [13]/Lc 11, 42-
Madre del Buen Consejo es una comunidad                        46
católica comprometida a las enseñanzas de               Jueves: Rom 3, 21-30/Sal 129, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [7]/Lc 11, 47-
 Cristo Jesús a través de los ministerios de                   54
  eucaristía, oración, apoyo económico y                Viernes: Rom 4, 1-8/Sal 31, 1b-2. 5. 11 [cfr. 7]/Lc 12, 1-7
                ayuda social.                           Sábado: Rom 4, 13. 16-18/Sal 104, 6-7. 8-9. 42-43 [8]/Lc
                                                               12, 8-12
                                                        Domingo siguiente: Is 53, 10-11/Sal 32, 4-5. 18-19. 20. 22
                                                               [22]/Heb 4, 14-16/ Mc 10, 35-45 o 10, 42-45
   Requisitos para la misa y fiesta de
 La quinceañera y su familia necesitan ser
 miembros de nuestra Iglesia por lo menos un               Estamos orgullosos y agradecidos con los Soldados y
 año.                                                      Veteranos de nuestra parroquia. Especialmente con
                                                           estos dos valientes, Junior León (Marine) hijo de
               La quinceañera necesita estar
                                                           Laura Rodríguez, y Nelson Xavier Nuñez (National
               involucrada en un ministerio
               en la misa por lo menos medio
                                                           Guard) hijo de Maria González Nuñez (Conchita).
               año y pertenecer a nuestro                  Tengamos a estos jóvenes y sus familias en
               programa de educación                       nuestras oraciones. ¡ Que Dios los bendiga!
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
From the Desk of Father Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
Dear Friends in Christ,

This weekend we celebrate the twenty-eighth Sunday in ordinary time.

Fr. Francis Fernandez, in his series In Conversation with God, writes,
        “Jesus Christ, the Son of God Incarnate, is divine Wisdom that has been hidden from all eternity in the
        bosom of the Father. He is now accessible to all men and women who are disposed to open their hearts to
        him. Next to Jesus, all gold is but a little sand, and silver accounted as clay. To possess Christ is to
        possess everything. That is why we commit the greatest folly whenever we choose some worldly good in
        place of Christ, be it honour, wealth, good health, anything at all. Nothing is worth more than the Master.”
O my Jesus, help me to experience Your wisdom.

We continue to live-stream all our masses on They are then placed on our website:

I appreciate you very much,
Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.

                      FOR THE WEEK
         Presumption can be a great sin. We can easily
convince ourselves that as long as we do the bare
minimum or master the basics, it is sufficient. Love
doesn’t operate this way. If we are truly in love with
God, then the basics are not going to be enough. That           The Human Concerns Committee is asking for your
love is going to want to get expressed in going above           help once again. During the month of October they
and beyond, in leaving the comfortable and familiar, in         will be hosting a drive in conjunction with Catholic
stretching and growing and in following a voice other           Charities to collect new clothing for Afghan refu-
than our own. This is what those who are truly in               gees at Camp McCoy. A barrel will be available in
pursuit of wisdom come to realize. Just like any human          the Vestibule for you to deposit your donations.
relationship worth achieving reveals, we never reach a
plateau in following the Gospel or growing in wisdom            Items needed:
and holiness. Wisdom is the rudder that guides us               -Kids: shirts, pants, socks, shoes (closed toe).
through all of life’s attractions and options. It alone         -Toddlers: shirts, pants, underwear, socks, shoes
determines what is worth pursuing and what must be              (closed toe), coats, jackets, infant blankets.
left behind. That is why those who are only concerned           -Women: shirts, pants (size 8), bras, shoes (smaller
                                                                sizes like 6-8), coats, jackets, winter scarves and
about checking the boxes and doing the least amount
possible often walk away sad when offered God’s gift            -Men: shirts (S-M), pants (S-M), underwear (S-M),
of life eternal. They are not truly in love.                    socks, shoes (no flip flops), coats, jackets.

As seen at the Parish Picnic...MGC Be Kind

Shirts available in Navy (with white lettering and
bumblebee) or in Gray (black lettering and bumblebee)
MGC logo on left sleeve of the shirt. Multiple sizes are
available in Youth or Adult.

Use the code MGCPICKUP to                                      What: Movie night featuring “Pray,
pick up in office.                                                    The Story of Fr. Patrick Payton”
                                                               Where: Here at MGC
                                                               When: Sunday, Oct. 17th at 4pm
products/be-kind-mgc-t-shirts                                  Please come join us!
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Desde el escritorio del Padre Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
 Queridos Amigos en Cristo,

 Hoy celebramos el vigésimo octavo domingo del tiempo ordinario.

 El Padre Francisco Fernández escribe en su libro Hablar con Dios,
       “El Verbo de Dios encarnado, Jesucristo, es la Sabiduría infinita, escondida en el seno del Padre
       desde la eternidad y asequible ahora a los hombres que están dispuestos a abrir su corazón con
       humildad y sencillez. Junto a Él, todo el oro es un poco de arena, y la plata vale lo que el
       barro, nada. Tener a Cristo es poseerlo todo, pues con Él nos llegan todos los bienes. Por eso
       cometemos la mayor necedad cuando preferimos algo (honor, riqueza, salud...) a Cristo mismo
       que nos visita. Nada vale la pena sin el Maestro.
       O mi buen Jesús, ayúdame a experimentar Tu sabiduría.
 Estamos transmitiendo las Misas por y están en nuestra página web:

 Les aprecio mucho,
 Padre Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
 Santa María, Madre del Buen Consejo, ruega por nosotros.

       DE LA SEMANA (Live the Liturgy)

         La presunción puede ser un gran pecado.
Podemos convencernos fácilmente de que
siempre que hagamos lo mínimo o dominemos lo
básico, es suficiente. El amor no opera de esta
manera. Si estamos verdaderamente enamorados           El Comité de Preocupaciones Humanas está pidiendo su
de Dios, entonces lo básico no será suficiente. Ese    ayuda una vez más. Durante el mes de octubre, organi-
amor va a querer expresarse en ir más allá, en         zarán una campaña junto con Caridades Católicas para
dejar lo cómodo y familiar, en estirar y crecer y en   recolectar ropa nueva para los refugiados afganos en
seguir una voz distinta a la nuestra. Esto es de lo    Camp McCoy. Un barril estará disponible en el Vestíbulo
que se dan cuenta aquellos que verdaderamente          para que depositen sus donaciones.
buscan la sabiduría. Tal como revela cualquier
relación humana que valga la pena lograr, nunca        Elementos solicitados:
llegamos a un estancamiento al seguir el               - Niños: camisas, pantalones, calcetines, zapatos
Evangelio o en crecer en sabiduría y santidad. La      - Niños pequeños: camisas, pantalones, ropa interior,
sabiduría es el timón que nos guía a través de                  calcetines, zapatos, abrigos, chaquetas, mantas/
todas las atracciones y opciones de la vida. Solo
                                                                cobijas infantiles.
ella determina lo que vale la pena perseguir y lo
                                                       - Mujeres: camisas, pantalones (talla 8), sujetadores,
que debe dejarse atrás. Es por eso, que, aquellos
                                                                zapatos (tallas más pequeñas como 6-8), abrigos,
que solo están preocupados por marcar las casil-
                                                                Chaquetas/chamarras, bufandas de invierno y
las y hacer la menor cantidad posible, a menudo
se alejan tristes cuando se les ofrece el regalo de             pashminas.
Dios de la vida eterna. No están realmente             - Hombres: camisas (S-M), pantalones (S-M), ropa interior
enamorados.                                                     (S-M), calcetines, zapatos (no sandalias), abrigos,

Como se vio en el picnic parroquial ... Playeras MGC Be Kind

Camisas disponibles en azul marino (con letras blancas y abejorro) o en
gris (letras negras y abejorro) Logotipo MGC en la manga izquierda de la
camiseta. Hay varios tamaños disponibles para jóvenes o adultos.

Utilice el código MGCPICKUP para recoger en la oficina.
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Happy Birthday
                                                                     October 10th to 16th
                                                              William W Clymer                 Molly A Dudek
                                                                Loredana Pitti               Rigoberto Munoz
                                                                 Daniel Ryan                  Anne M Becker
                                                            Sentia Uwilingiyimana          Ma Guadalupe Carbajal
 October is the month of the Holy Rosary of the                                             Danielle Marie Harris
                                                            Rebecca Wroblewski
              Blessed Virgin Mary.                           Harold Dallapiazza                 Daniel Avitia
                                                                  Lisa Farley                 Anthony Corrao
Please join us this Monday evening at 7:00PM for a           Kathleen Hoerchner                Bonnie Drew
parish wide bi-lingual rosary to celebrate the                Katrina L Kalusok                   Ann Irvin
Blessed Virgin and the “ Holy Rosary “, during the            Jerry Manske                          Kathy Denk
                                                            Guadalupe Mora                       Lisa Swearingen
month of October. Please use the same codes to                                                  Thomas Eldredge
activate the “zoom” process.                                  Claudia Robl
                                                             Aaiden Byfield                      Thomas Henley
                                                            James W Clymer                      Sonia Hernandez
The intentions are for our individual needs and the                                               Meghan Sovey
needs of the parish, respect for human life, and the
intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis.
                                                        SENIOR MINISTRY
Meeting ID 890 0982 6481                                he Power of Life Review.
Passcode idAC90
                                                        Life is a journey, not a destination.
Mother of Good Council, Pray for Us                                                      ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

   Octubre es el mes del Santo Rosario de la            In the early 1960’s, Robert Butler found that as older people
           Santísima Virgen María.                      approach the later years, they spend more time reminiscing
                                                        about their past. He used the term “Life Review” to describe
Únase a nosotros este lunes a las 7:00 pm para un       this process in which people recall past experiences,
rosario bilingüe de toda la parroquia para celebrar a   evaluate and analyze those events, in order to achieve a
la Santísima Virgen y el “Santo Rosario” durante el     deeper understanding of themselves. Butler believed that life
mes de octubre. Utilice los mismos códigos para         review was a natural process and a developmental task for
activar "zoom".                                         the third age of life.

Las intenciones son por nuestras necesidades
individuales y las necesidades de la parroquia, el
respeto por la vida humana y las intenciones del
Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco.

ID de reunión 890 0982 6481
Código de acceso idAC90

Madre del Buen Consejo, ruega por nosotros

                 2022 Mass Intentions
                        The 2022 Mass intention
               book is here and ready to be
               filled with your prayer requests. If
               you would like to schedule a
               Mass intention for next year,
               please contact Gaby at
               414-442-7600 ext.102 or email
her at

         Intentions are scheduled on a first-come,
first-served basis. Weekend Masses fill up
quickly. So please, anticipate that if you have
special needs or plans. There are dates still
available for this year as well.

        Intentions may be for a deceased loved
one, someone who is sick or suffering, in
celebration of a birthday, anniversary or other
special moment, or a prayer request. A $10
stipend is suggested, but any donation amount is
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
                                                                LADY OF GOOD HELP with Bishop

                                                              You don’t have to travel to Europe for a pilgrimage….

                                                              Join Most Reverend James Schuerman, Auxiliary
                                                              Bishop of Milwaukee, on a
                                                              pilgrimage day trip to the National Shrine of Our Lady
                                                              of Good Help in Champion, WI. After fueling up with
                                                              fresh coffee and tasty muffins, our luxury bus will
                                                              leave the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist at 8:30
                                                              AM and journey to the site where the Blessed Virgin
                                                              appeared to Adele Brise in 1859. Marvel at the only
                                                              Marian apparition in the United States approved by
                                                              Catholic Church. Once at the Shrine,
                                                              opportunities abound for prayer, recitation of the Ro-
                                                              sary, confession and guided tours. A private Mass
                                                              for our group, led by Bishop Schuerman, will be held
                                                              in the chapel located above the
                                                              oratory. A box lunch is included.

                                                              Don’t miss this chance to recharge your spiritual bat-

                                                              Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021
                                                              Time: 8:30 AM- 6 PM
                                                              Price: $75 per person

                                                              For reservations and information, please contact
                                                              Amy Nikolai at 414.276.9814, ext. 306 or

                           Next Sunday Fr. Alejandro (Alex) Rodriguez SX of the St. Francis Xavier Missionaries, will be
                           preaching the Mission Appeal as part of the annual Missionary Cooperation Plan.

                            Fr. Alex, born in Mexico, is a graduate of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, and was or-
                            dained in Guadalajara, Mexico. He has served as a missionary in The Philippines. He has worked
                            as the Vocational Director, Vicar, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in a poverty-stricken area of
                            metro Manila, Spiritual Director at the St. Faustina Catholic School, Collaborator with the campus
                            ministry of different universities in the Philippines, and Rector of the Philosophy Seminary of the
Xavierians in the Philippines. Fr. Alex is presently working in the field of Vocations and the Hispanic Ministry in the Archdio-
cese of Milwaukee, as well as being the Rector at the Xaverian Missionaries center in Franklin, WI. He is willing to share his
mission experience with anyone interested.

Being exclusively a foreign mission society, the Xaverian Fathers and Brothers depend greatly on proceeds from this collec-
tion. They carry out their service in Bangladesh, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Columbia, the Democratic Republic of
Congo (formerly Zaire), France, Great Britain. Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Mozambique, the Philippines, Sierra Leone,
Spain, Taiwan, and the United States.
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Thank you to all of you that were able to join us for the Pet Blessing this passed
                                   Sunday Oct. 3rd.

Gracias a todos los que pudieron acompañarnos a la Bendición de Mascotas el pasado
                               domingo 3 de octubre.
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600
                                                              Pastor: Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
Please remember in your prayers:                                     414-331-9687 cell or ext. 125 for messages only
Anne Bauer, Bob Borowski, Valerie Bradford, Richard        
Bowd, Laura Brzakala, Emily Collins, Harold                   Deacon Andy Meuler..................................................x104
Dallapiazza, Quirt Dallapiazza, Ron DeHarde, Arlyne        
Fleissner, Ellen Fredricks, Scott Fredricks, Maria Godinez,   Deacon Dean Collins.................................. 262-782-0535
Ginny Hack, Barbara Kass, Ed Kovochich, Mark
Nadolski, Jose Navarro Jr, Lucy Navarro, Kris Nehrbass,    
Jack O’Dell, Leo Pallasch, Elaine Reidy, Joel Rivera,, Jose   Directors of Faith Formation: Mariza Cruz Konzal
Sanchez, Agnes Schilz, Annette Swanson,, Mary                 & Robert Konzal…….……….…ext. 107 or 414-899-1811
Uhlenkamp, Paul Willmering, Jeffrey Yockey, Barbara        
                                                              Director of Music & Liturgy: Grace Majewski..........x103
If you know of someone who needs or would appreciate       
a visit from Fr. Reed please call: 414-442-7600 ext. 102.     Director of Business Office :
                                                              Sandy De La Garza…............................................... x105
                                                              Finance Assistant: Kathy Mymudes………………...x117
              Military Prayer list                         
                                                              Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168
  National Guard; Nelson Xavier Nunez, son of                 Administrative Assistant:
  Maria Gonzalez Nunez (Conchita)                             Gaby Rodriguez………………….……………….........x102
  Marine Luis Ornelas, son of Rosa Laura Reynoso           
  Ramirez                                                     SCHOOL STAFF
                                                              Principal: Rachel Johnston ……............................. x119
  Navy Petty Officer Kyle Walcheske, nephew of
  Cathy Walcheske
                                                              School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118
  Air Force; Louis Cruz, nephew of Robert & Mariza         
  Konzal                                                      Director of ECP: Mindy Kwiatkowski…………..….. x123
  Senior Chief Petty Officer U.S. Coast Guard              
  Kenneth Seefeld, grandson of Elaine Seefeld                 Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122
  Marine Sergeant Dwain J. Burke, nephew of                   Trustees
  Brenda & Bob Beaumier                                       Karen Murphy & Dan Scholz
  Army Sergeant Major James Cook, son of Mary &               Pastoral Council Chairperson: Phil Koth..414-350-3745
  Michael Cook
                                                              St. Vincent DePaul: ……………….….414-442-7600 x155
  Air Force Sergeant Kurt Buckawiecki, grandson-
  in-law of Arthur Kreitzer                                   Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound
                                                              Mary Betzwieser………….…………….……414-313-0012
  Special Forces Army Sergeant Joshua Kohut, an
  MGC Graduate & son of Kathy Kohut                           Other Ministries:
  Army Warrant Officer Bradley Dompke, Godson                 Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the
  of Tony and Gail Dompke                                     School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our
                                                              ministries check our website at
  Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant David John
  Winter, son of Joan M. Winter and John F. Winter
                                                              We are streaming masses live on
  PFC Marine Stephen Thelaner, grandson of Dan &     (at https://
  Judith Scholz
                                                     ) or
  Please keep them and all people affected by war in          on our parish and school
  your Prayers and thoughts! Contact us in the Parish         website
  Office if you have any family members or friends
  who are currently serving and we will add their
  names to our prayer list.
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela - Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
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